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Export Text


The Export Text tool is a tool that enables the exporting of text to a text file. This includes results from all the supported tools and markup text.


Export Directory

The directory to export the text file to.


To enable the Auto Delete files feature, see Option - Export Text Auto Delete.

File Extension

The file extension of the text file to be exported.


The exported file format for the tool results is in CSV format.

File Frequency

The frequency of the text file to be exported. The following file frequencies are available:

  • Everytime: Export the text file every time the tool is executed.
  • 6 Hours: Export the text file every 6 hours.
  • 12 Hours: Export the text file every 12 hours.
  • Daily: Export the text file every day.
  • Weekly: Export the text file every week.
  • Monthly: Export the text file every month.

This will determine the file name of the exported text file. See File Name for more information.


The delimiter to be used to separate the text in the text file.

Export Mode

Whether the export text will be Result or Message.

Result Mode

The export text will be the result of the tool. Each of the tools will have a different format for the export text.

Message Mode

The export text will be the text from the message input.

Result Tools

Result Mode

Reference to the tools' results to be exported.


Detail Mode is available for exporting result with more information.


In order to export the result of a tool, the export text tool must be placed after the tool that the user would like to export the result of.

File Name Suffix

Message Mode

The suffix to be added to the file name i.e., YYYYmmdd_HHMMSSsss_{SUFFIX}.txt.


Message Mode

The message to be exported to the text file.

This input supports Mark-up Text Input.